Via a access pass your citizens will easily be able to open the collection system of the underground waste container. When closing the drum the waste bag will drop into the container. The graphical display informs the users via text and/or images on the screen. This interactive waste container makes your process easy to use. They are able to be used in a wide variety of settings. Whether it's rural or inner city.
When you add our Chiplock® 4.0 to our underground waste containers we say you have a smart container. With our access electronics you will be able to identify, authorise and register the offering behaviour of your citizens. Through this you will know the current situation of your waste containers and have a complete overview of waste disposal, errors and when the system is jammed.
The Chiplock® 4.0 electronic system is modular and can be used anywhere you wish. For example, you can register the fill-level of the waste container via valve movement or via sensors. You choose which energysource you want to choose for your electronics. The data communication happens via STOSAG open standards. Because of that our access electronics can be fitted on all models and types of underground waste containers. Even third party containers.
With the Smartdata module of VConsyst Dynamics you will control the authorisation, registration and configuration of your collection systems. Daily activities such as changing the disposal site and card management are easily managed via our Smartdata system. You can also visualise the data of your waste containers like the fill level, battery voltage and the amount of valve movements. By our easy-to-understand reporting you will be in full control of your waste containers.